Security Consultant at Agilient, Adam O’Donnell says garnering the collective will of an organisation to recognise the necessity for security is sometimes difficult, often compounded by a tendency towards individual levels of general apathy.

“Even in the context of multiple terrorism events materialising in Australia recently, it is difficult for some people to imagine that it could happen to them,” he says.

“Widespread endorsement of exactly what resilience is would be very useful, but like “security” it has numerous definitions. The Australian Government has an ‘organisational resilience’ website dedicated to the very subject, but it talks about global market evolution and market dynamics. That likely wouldn’t resonate with what security practitioners are delivering in contribution to a resilient organisation.

“We often hear about ‘business resilience’ too, which is probably a little more relatable. What we do in security in contribution to building business resilience is substantial, but it is not without its challenges.”