
Register your fire indicator panel

The nbn™ network is replacing most existing landline phone and internet networks across Australia. To help identify services that may need assistance to move before existing networks are switched off, we strongly recommend that you register the full phone number of...

Recognising the necessity for security

Security Consultant at Agilient, Adam O’Donnell says garnering the collective will of an organisation to recognise the necessity for security is sometimes difficult, often compounded by a tendency towards individual levels of general apathy. “Even in the context...

Research: Home security tips

Over the past few months, the Australian Security Industry Association Limited (ASIAL) has been conducting research into the security mindset of Australian householders through its free online Home Security Challenge. To date, almost 1,100 householders have taken the...

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© 2016 Plexus Security & Fire
40 Pleasant View Drive, Preston, Vic 3072, Australia
P [+61 3] 9334 2660 E tony[at]
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